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Gis Commands -ogrinfo - ogr2ogr

#Identify the geometry of an ESRI Shapefile

$ ogrinfo Bittner_BellePrairieSec8_N40_Boundary.shp

#Get full details of an ESRI shapefile

$ ogrinfo -so Bittner_BellePrairieSec8_N40_Boundary.shp -sql "select * from Bittner_BellePrairieSec8_N40_Boundary"

#Get full details for an Specific record of an ESRI shapefile

$ ogrinfo -q Bittner_BellePrairieSec8_N40_Boundary.shp -sql "select * from Bittner_BellePrairieSec8_N40_Boundary" #fid 1

# Reproject an existing ESRI Shapefile

$ ogr2ogr ../newShp/Bittner_BellePrairieSec8_N40_Boundary.shp -t_srs "EPSG:4326" Bittner_BellePrairieSec8_N40_Boundary.shp

#Translate an ESRI Shapefile to GeoJSON

$ ogr2ogr -f "GeoJSON" ../newShp/Bittner_BellePrairieSec8_N40_Boundary.json -t_srs "EPSG:4326" Bittner_BellePrairieSec8_N40_Boundary.shp

#Select Records and Create a New Shapefile

$ ogr2ogr -sql "select * from Bittner_BellePrairieSec8_N40_Boundary where name = 'Apple'" ../newShp/Bittner_BellePrairieSec8_N40_Boundary.shp Bittner_BellePrairieSec8_N40_Boundary.shp

#Count Records in an ESRI Shapefile

$ ogrinfo -sql "select count(gid) from Bittner_BellePrairieSec8_N40_Boundary" Bittner_BellePrairieSec8_N40_Boundary.shp

#Count DISTINCT Records in an ESRI Shapefile

$ ogrinfo -sql "select count(distinct name) from Bittner_BellePrairieSec8_N40_Boundary" Bittner_BellePrairieSec8_N40_Boundary.shp

#Clip Spatial Data (Points in Polygon)

$ ogr2ogr -clipsrc Bittner_BellePrairieSec8_N40_Boundary.shp ../newShp/cliped.shp ../esridata/

#Note: Input geometry type should be point , not multipolygon

---ogr2org queries----

#Connect to PostGIS and List Tables

$ ogrinfo PG:"host=localhost port=5432 user='postgres' password='postgres' dbname='landgate_local_db1' "

#Extract data from PostGIS to a GeoJSON file

$ ogr2ogr -f "GeoJSON" ../newShp/trees.geojson PG:"host=localhost port=5432 user='postgres' password='postgres' dbname='landgate_local_db1" -sql "select * from Bittner_BellePrairieSec8_N40_Boundary"

#Extract data from PostGIS to an ESRI Shapefile

$ ogr2ogr -f "ESRI Shapefile" ../newShp/trees.shp PG: "host=localhost port=5432 user='postgres' password='postgres' dbname='landgate_local_db1' " -sql "select * from Bittner_BellePrairieSec8_N40_Boundary"

#Extract data from PostGIS to an ESRI Shapefile and Re-project to 32643

$ ogr2ogr -f "ESRI Shapefile" ../newShp/trees.shp -t_srs "EPSG:32643" PG: "host=localhost port=5432 user='postgres' password='postgres' dbname='landgate_local_db1" -sql "select from Bittner_BellePrairieSec8_N40_Boundary"

#Extract data from PostGIS to an ESRI Shapefile - Selecting Specific Fields & values

$ ogr2ogr -f "ESRI Shapefile" ../newShp/trees.shp -select "name" PG:"host=localhost port=5432 user='postgres' password='postgres' dbname='landgate_local_db1" -sql "select * from Bittner_BellePrairieSec8_N40_Boundary where name='mango' "

#INSERT records to a new PostGIS Table

$ ogr2ogr -f "PostgreSQL" PG:"host=localhost port=5432 user='postgres' password='postgres' dbname='landgate_local_db1' " Bittner_BellePrairieSec8_N40_Boundary.shp

#Update a PostGIS Database Table with a new Field

$ ogrinfo PG:"host=localhost port=5432 user='postgres' password='postgres' dbname='landgate_local_db1' " -sql "alter table bittner_belleprairiesec8_n40_boundary ADD COLUMN survveyor TEXT"

#Update a postgis database table with values in a field - Using a Where clause

$ ogrinfo PG:"host=localhost port=5432 user='postgres' password='postgres' dbname='landgate_local_db1' " -dialect SQLite-sql "UPDATE bittner_belleprairiesec8_n40_boundary SET survveyor = 'Akash' where gid = 1"

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